Andrea from Dos Ombré

Andrea from Dos Ombré

Andrea is the creative mind behind Australian lifestyle brand and interior design consultancy Dos Ombré. Andrea’s love for meaningful design and high-quality products, mixed with her desire to bring a unique personality to clients’ homes makes her an inspiring collector! Andrea recently welcomed one of my pieces into her home, and she was kind enough to share her experience with me.

When Andrea first spotted Two Boys in a Dinosaur Garden on display at Kira & Kira, she and her family felt an instant connection to the piece. They were drawn to the piece by its quirky name and joyful use of colour (especially the buttercup yellow).

"It immediately made us happy,” Andrea shares. "We loved the piece the minute we saw it. It’s an uplifting artwork and brings joy to our home," she says.

While Andrea admits it was an impulse purchase, she’s found that the framed artwork seamlessly integrates into her existing collection. "It fits perfectly in our home amongst the other pieces we’ve collected," she says. “We all love the colour and fun it brings into our living area.” Andrea’s experience captures the serendipitous nature of art collecting—sometimes the best additions are those unexpected finds that just. make. you. smile.

I asked Andrea what advice she has for anyone considering adding one of my pieces to their collection. "Art is so personal and different for everyone," she says. "We love your artworks; they are fun and beautiful to have hanging in our home. Plus, we just adore the new botanical-vibe works of late." Shucks, thanks Andrea!

Andrea’s experience is a testament to the joy and connection that art can bring into our lives. It’s such a pleasure to see my work finding a home where it is loved and appreciated by the whole family. Thank you, Andrea, for sharing your experience and for letting my artwork be a part of your everyday life.



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